Launching NOA Chat, the free AI mobility assistant in WhatsApp

Simply send pictures and videos of your surroundings, and get accurate descriptions and precise answers when walking around! Try it this weekend!

We’re very excited to launch NOA Chat, a WhatsApp chatbot that allows everyone to get mobility instructions, directly in a conversation. This gives you an idea of what using NOA feels like. The service is free with a weekly quota (10 questions initially and 3 free queries per week) and also comes with an unlimited version at just 9.99 CHF (11 USD) per month.

How it works

Open WhatsApp and text NOA Chat. You can do so by clicking here:

It opens WhatsApp. Answer the 2 questions it will ask, and then, you’re ready to use it! Just click on the camera icon, and take a picture or a video.

Here’s what it can do for you:

Get the bus number

You can send a video to NOA Chat and ask, in the video: “What’s the number of the bus?”. NOA Chat will reply : The bus number is 409.

Crossing the street

You can film an intersection and ask about the layout. NOA Chat will reply, describe the layout, and indicate if there are traffic lights and their colors.

Find an exit

Ask NOA Chat to find the exit in a building. Film your surroundings, and ask “Can you find an exit”. NOA Chat will then describe where the most likely exit is. In this example, a door on the right, at the bottom of the stairs.

Get a scene description

No need to ask a specific question. You can just send a picture to NOA Chat, landscape or portrait, and it will automatically describe it, by following the best Orientation and Mobility practices.

Find your gate at the airport or train platform

You can take a picture and write down your question in the description of the image or as a voice note in a separate message, to get more precise answers. For example here, finding the gate you’re boarding in at the airport.

Group demos

If you’d like to book group demos for your association, user group, school, O&M institution, or just with your friends, please fill in the form at the bottom of the following page:

The hands-free version: NOA

To test NOA, ask questions, find nearest distributor, just schedule a chat with our team:

Visit our website to check out our upcoming events!

  • Demo days in Belgium: November 26th and 27th

  • Demo days in California: December 6th to December 15th

That’s it! We’re currently working on the new AI-powered GPS version of NOA and will bring updates to our models to support bus stop finding.

If you have other ideas or things you’d like to see improved, let us know by writing us on [email protected]

We hope you’ll enjoy this update!

The biped team


or to participate.